Monday, September 23, 2013

                                                 A Better Understanding of Conglomeration
  I was looking through my classmate's blogs and decided I wanted to learn more about conglomeration because I did not understand that subject very well. I decided to use Alyssa Durbin's blog about conglomeration to explain how it interested me. I don't think this blog is too long or too short. It explained it perfectly. First, I think Alyssa did an excellent job of describing conglomeration because she tells what's good and bad about it. In the article she says, "It is positive because more money is raised and it is more efficient for one company to make all merchandise for a specific product. It is negative because of job loss, less competition, and less diversity of content." Later in the article Alyssa explains how it will have an impact on our media. I quote Alyssa, "Conglomeration can either help spread an idea or can make it seem less important." I now understand the purpose of conglomeration and the affect it can have on a company. In her article, she explains that conglomeration can cause monopolies. I knew what monopolies were, but, I didn't know how conglomeration affected them. Alyssa went on to say, "They do this because most people are not willing to critique their boss as they will be fired. Monopolies are a result of conglomeration." Over all, Alyssa did a great job explaining our class lecture.

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