Movies Theaters Make it Through
Every time I go to a movie theatre I wonder how this business has lasted with their overpriced snacks, and somewhat expensive movie tickets. Why don't people just get popcorn from the grocery and rent a movie from red box?
I came to found out in class, that movie theaters never demassified because of the social experience, genre variety, culture influence, and the BIG screens. As I thought about these factors, I realized that is very true. Most of my friends will go to the first showing of the movie they were dying to see, just to tell everyone they were the first and to have the experience. This was very interesting to me because I normally watch it at home with lots of distractions, but I don't really mind because I can pause, rewind, stop, or watch it later. Another big factor of why movie theaters are still in business is to get the movie popular and to gain more profit. I enjoyed this lecture because I never realized what the importance of a movie theatre was.